Père Girard > Ressources > Biographie Prof. Daniel Tröhler

Biographie Prof. Daniel Tröhler

E-Mail: daniel.troehler@uni.lu

Homepage: [http://www.ipse.uni.lu/recherche/flshase/languages_culture_media_and_identities_lcmi/staff/daniel_troehler]

Academic Qualifications
  • 2002 Degree of Habilitation, University of Zurich. Venia legendi: Education
  • 1988 PhD in Education (University of Zurich) (Philosophie und Pädagogik bei Pestalozzi)
Professional Career
  • Since 2008 Full Professor in Educational Sciences at the University of Luxembourg
  • Winter 2007/2008 Visiting Professor at the University of Luxembourg
  • Summer 2004 Visiting scholar at the University of Chicago
  • 2002-2008 Professor of Education at the Zurich University of Teacher Education and Director of the Pestalozzianum Research Institute for the History of Education
  • 2002-2003 Guest Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • 1989-2002 Assistant and Head Assistant at the University of Zurich, Educational Department

(cited from: http://www.ipse.uni.lu/recherche/flshase/languages_culture_media_and_identities_lcmi/staff/daniel_troehler)


Daniel Tröhler: Republikanismus und Pädagogik. Pestalozzi im historischen Kontext. Bad Heilbrunn 2006

Daniel Tröhler: The 'Kingdom of God on Earth' and Early Chicago Pragmatism. In: Educational Theory 56(2006)1, S. 89–105

Daniel Tröhler: Philosophical Arguments, Historical Contexts, and Theory of Education. In: Educational philosophy and theory 39(2007)(1), S. 10–19

Daniel Tröhler: The educationalization of the modern world: Progress, passion, and the Protestant promise of education. In Paul Smeyers/Marc Depaepe (Eds.): Educational research: The educationalisation of social problems. Dordrecht 2008: Springer, S. 31-46

Daniel Tröhler: Between ideology and education: the curriculum of upper-secondary education. In: Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(2009), S. 393–408

Daniel Tröhler: Globalizing Globalization: The Neo-Institutional Concept of a World Culture. In T. Popkewitz / F. Rizvi (Eds). Globalization and the Study of Education. 2009 Yearbook of the National Society for Studies in Education, Volume 108. New York: Wiley, S. 29-48

Daniel Tröhler: Harmonizing the Educational Globe. World Polity, Cultural Features, and the Challenges to Educational Research. In: Studies in Philosophy and Education 29(2010), S. 7–29

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